An ultrasonic cleaner is specialized equipment that can effectively clean delicate items or hard-to-reach areas. These equipments generally consist of a container, in which the object or objects to be treated are introduced, submerged in a special liquid through which high-frequency waves propagate, generating an effect called acoustic cavitation through which achieves optimal cleaning.
An ultrasonic cleaner uses ultrasound waves that range between 20 and 400 kHz, thereby generating vibrations that loosen accumulated debris and dirt from the objects being cleaned.
They are devices widely used in the medical, pharmaceutical, sports, automotive, aesthetic and engineering industries, since they guarantee a deep and gentle cleaning of objects, with the total security of eliminating the slightest residue in an efficient and ecological way, in a short time, obtaining an unequaled cleaning compared to other cleaning methods.
How is an ultrasonic cleaner made?
- A bucket in which the object or part to be cleaned is immersed or deposited.
- A generator and an ultrasound emitter.
- Water, and an ultrasonic cleaning fluid or ultrasonic detergent.
How is an ultrasonic cleaner used?
When using an ultrasonic cleaner, you must first take into account the manufacturer’s specifications, the amount of product, as well as the temperature of the liquid to be used.
The base of the solution to be used is usually water, but it will always be necessary to include a specific ultrasonic cleaner for the piece that needs to be cleaned. This is essential to take into account, because, like all detergents, different specific types will be used depending on the dirt to be cleaned, and the type of material from which the parts to be treated are made.
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