Laboratory Freeze Dryers

Lyophilization has become a standard practice in the pharmaceutical industry since the beginning of its first applications around the 1940s. Since then, the lyophilizer has gone from being a simple vacuum drying equipment to become a highly sophisticated and integrated system, combining a number of processes to ensure systematic production according to technical and biological specifications.

Lyophilization is a process that aims to separate the liquid (water or other solvent) from an organic material, or from a solution, by freezing and then sublimation of the ice at reduced pressure, thus generating a dehydrated product without altering its qualitative and quantitative composition, that is to preserve the molecular structure of the substance to be preserved. This is achieved through the use of a freeze-drier.

Types of Freeze Dryer a Laboratory may need

Vertical Freeze Dryer

The standard type vacuum freeze drier is suitable for laboratory experiments. The freeze-drier is widely used in medicine, pharmacy, biological research, chemical industry and food production, etc. After the freeze-drying process, long-term preservation of the products is much easier. They can be restored to their original state and maintain their chemical and biological characteristics after watering. Vacuum freeze drying technology, also called sublimation drying, is a technical method that freezes samples in advance and then sublimates their moisture in a vacuum state. 


Food Freeze Dryer

Lyophilization or freeze drying is a process in which water is removed from a product after it is frozen and placed under a vacuum, allowing the ice to change directly from solid to vapor without passing through a liquid phase. The process consists of three separate, unique, and interdependent processes; freezing, primary drying (sublimation), and secondary drying (desorption).


In Kalstein you can find the ideal Freeze Dryers for your Laboratory

The freeze-drier is a laboratory equipment used to carry out the freeze-drying process, which consists of removing moisture present in a given product through cold-drying

Freezer dryer  vertical YR05190

Vacuum freeze drying technology is a technical method that freezes samples in advance and then sublimates their ...


Freezer dryer  desktop YR05189

 After the freeze - drying process, the long - term preservation of the products is much easier.  They can be restored ...


YR05186 Normal Desktop 

The freeze-drier is widely used in medicine, pharmacy, biological research, chemical industry and food production...


Freezer Dryer YR05188

Freeze Dryer is suitable for freeze-drying experiment in laboratory. It is bench top manifold equipment. Freeze dryer...

Our best selling Laboratory Freeze Dryer

At Kalstein we are manufacturers of laboratory equipment of the highest quality and at the best prices on the market. This time we present the lyophilizer YR05186 is suitable for laboratory freeze-drying experiments. This lyophilizer is widely used in medicine, pharmacy, biological research, chemical industry and food production. After the freeze-drying process, the long-term preservation of the products is much easier. They can be restored to their original state and maintain their chemical and biological characteristics after watering.

The heat contained in the lyophilizer provides the necessary energy to the water to pass to the gaseous state, accelerating the process. And the gas that's left loose, is condensed at low temperatures, returning back to solid state.

Analysis of the best Freeze Dryers for your Laboratory

Importance of a lyophilizer 

The lyophilizer is a laboratory equipment that is used to carry out the process of lyophilization, which consists of extracting ...

Advantages of freeze-drying

You get products that can be regenerated  very quickly again the shape and characteristics  of  the final product ...

Stages of freeze-drying 

The lyophilizer is a laboratory equipment that is used to carry out the process of lyophilization, which consists of  ...

What do we offer in kalstein?

At Kalstein we manufacture laboratory equipment of the highest quality and the best technology, so this time we ...

Catalog of models of Laboratory Freeze Dryers on offer


Guides for you to become an expert in Freeze Dryers

Freeze-driers are essential products in a laboratory, we provide guides and recommendations for better use, so you can work as an expert...

What is the Lyophilization technique?

It is the best known technique for the conservation and preservation of biological products without ...

How does a Lyophilizer operate in a Laboratory?

In this stage a first dehydration is performed, occurring the free interstitial separation of solute ...

What is the process, drying the frozen product

When the water is frozen and the product pressure is kept below 4.58 torr, when heated, the ice is ...

Types of Freeze-Dryers

Freezers are highly sophisticated equipment, and thanks to technological advances there is a great variety, which are perfectly adapted to the field of application in which they are used. We have freeze-driers that are used in the food industry, whether it's to make space food, military food or dehydrated food.

Video of Lab Freeze Dryer in operation

In this section you will find, our freeze dryers in operation, packaged, receiving service, etc.

Process of using a lyophilizer

Firstly, the material to be freeze-dried is frozen at sub-zero temperatures, thus maintaining its molecular structure. The frozen material is inserted into the freeze drier, where there is a vacuum pressure, due to the action of a vacuum pump that allows it to function properly. This pump allows 95% of the water present in the sample to be sublimated, and in this way, the product dries without the need to use temperatures above the ambient temperature.

The heat contained in the lyophilizer provides the necessary energy to the water to pass to the gaseous state, accelerating the process. And the gas that's left loose, is condensed at low temperatures, returning back to solid state.

Frequently Asked Questions about Freeze Dryers from Our Customers

To know the price of the Freeze-driers we invite you to send us an email with your request through the contact form.

The delivery time of your product

Kalstein will depend on the following: 

  1. If the equipment of your interest is in stock or if it should be manufactured. 
  2. The type of freight you have chosen may be; air or sea.
  • Equipment in stock:  

– Delivery Time (Aereo): 15-30 days.  

– Delivery Time (Maritimo): 45-60 days. 

  • Equipment not in stock:  

– Delivery Time (Aereo): 30-60 days.  

– Delivery Time (Maritimo): 60-90 days. 

You can make your purchase through: 

  1. By email: [email protected] 
  2. By phone: +33 (0) 1 78 95 87 02
  3. Electronic commerce: Through Kalstein's official website in his country. 
All Kalstein equipment has a 1-year warranty against manufacturing defects. The warranty does not cover damage caused by a poor installation or operation by the user, transportation defects or uses other than those specified by the manufacturer. Warranty excludes electrical or consumable parts. For more information visit our "terms and conditions" by clicking HERE

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